The Weeds

Cleaning Out The Weeds

Weeds in flowerbeds

What A Mess!

Gina’s next door neighbor (let’s just call her Ms. Smith for anonymity) is an elderly widow lady that simply has too much yard work on her hands than she can really handle.   About 2 months ago, Gina noticed that although Ms. Smith has a lawn service to keep her grass looking nice, the flowerbeds were starting to look pretty shabby.  Not wanting to intrude, and make Ms. Smith feel bad about the issue, Gina decided it was time to simply bless Ms. Smith with some work from our network of friends.

Gina made a visit to Ms. Smith just to pop in and check on her and found out that she had been having some back issues which explained why she was no longer keeping up with the flowerbeds.  It is amazing how some people simply will not reach out and ask for help when they actually need it, but others have no problem asking for help when they are perfectly capable of doing work themselves.   So knowing Ms. Smith’s situation Gina was ready to move into action, putting our team together.   It is great because on smaller jobs like this, we dont  necessarily  have to have the entire group available to help.

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