Welcome To Our Site


Hey There!

Welcome to our site.   We are a group of friends, that love to help others, and have fun doing it.  You can find out more on our About page.

Helping Others (Helping Hands)

helping handsI will be using this site to blog about our past and future adventures where we help other people around our community.  We know we are all built for a higher purpose, and helping others is a great purpose.  We love using our talents and putting them to good use.  When we help someone that is sick, or someone that is elderly we all feel such satisfaction.   It is great to have a solid group of friends that all feel the same way.  It must be due to how we were raised.   (Look mom and dad, I am giving you a little credit here.  🙂  )

Seriously though we simply love helping others.  We purposely look for people that are in need and lend them a hand.  We kind of have this rule, if you come asking for a hand out, or simply looking for someone to do what you can do yourself we most likely will not help.  If you are truly in need, we will be there even if you ask.  We simply have to gauge each situation so we are not taken advantage of for free labor.  We have been knowing to cruise through Craigslist ads looking for people that need help.  We respond to the ad, and schedule the time to come do the work that you are needing to have done.   We do let people know we are not professionals, as we would want to know that too.   We also find people on Facebook and other social media that may be needing help in our area.   It has really evolved now that we have the internet to help us find people in need.

Going on Trips

Ski TripNot only do we love to help others, but we love taking awesome trips.  It helps that most of us in this group are still single (not sure if that is good or bad), and can travel on a whim without much planning.   We dont have to plan around kiddos, or school events, like many of our co-workers, so we often take spur of the moment trips if we do not have plans to already help someone with a “social worker” task.   I will be blogging about some of our fun trips from time to time as well.


Home Improvements

Since we are often helping others with different tasks, we have become really good at doing home improvements.  I keep telling the gang that we should pitch some TV show to come film us while we work.  We have become really good at all types of home improvements, and we are like one big comedy show.   You know how it is when you get your friends together and everyone is simply having fun?    You know who you can pick on, and how far you can push them.  Bradley is our practical joker, and you never know what that dude is going to do.   One minute he may be painting the bedroom, and then the next he is pulling a joke making everyone crack up.   Everyone should have as much fun as we do.   Wouldn’t it be cool to find us on a TV show one of these days?  It would be a cross between these home improvement shows, and Friends.    I think it would be cool.